EVE - Earth Virtualization Engines

anpromis 1140x570Fonte:  Universität Hamburg

The following statement is the result of the Berlin Summit for EVE, an international conference that took place in June 2023, signed by 141 leaders from the fields of climate science, climate services, technologies and sustainable devleopment. The aim of EVE, the Earth Virtualization Engines initiative, is to develop tools for detailed climate information. For example, forecasts for the entire world should be made freely available at 1-kilometer resolution. Combining the expertise from science, technology and artificial intelligence, this vision is moving into the realm of possibility. Chair and organizer of the Berlin Summit for EVE is CLICCS researcher Prof. Björn Stevens from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. The Cluster of Excellence CLICCS and researchers from the University of Hamburg are participating in the project.


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