To reach climate change targets set at COP28, we need agricultural biotechnology to help decarbonize economies around the world

Artigo rearborização e alteraçõeses climáticas - versão produtoresFonte: GENETIC LITERACY PROJECT

Climate change is affecting communities worldwide, and innovative solutions are more urgently needed than ever. As leaders from around the world gather in Dubai for the United Nations climate talks known as COP28, they must recognize that many tangible solutions already exist to address climate change, but market and policy uncertainty hamper implementation.

Among the arsenal of tools at our disposal, biotechnology emerges as a potent force in achieving climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience. From engineering crops resistant to changing weather patterns to developing biobased materials, biotechnology offers a path forward against the environmental challenges we face – and world leaders need to create clearer market pathways to ensure their uptake.

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