Adaptive forest management in central Europe: Climate change impacts, strategies and integrative concept
Autor(es)"Bolte, Andreas Ammer, Christian Löf, Magnus Madsen, Palle Nabuurs, Gert Jan Schall, Peter Spathelf, Peter Rock, Joachim"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteInstitute of Forest Ecology and Forest Inventory, Johann Heinrich v. Thünen-Institut (vTI)
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Revista e nºScandinavian Journal of Forest Research 24: 473-482
"Climatic warming may lead to increased or decreased future forest productivity. However, more frequent heat waves, droughts and storms and accompanying pathogen attacks are also expected for Europe and are considered to be increasingly important abiotic and biotic stress factors for forests. Adaptive forestry can help forest ecosystems to adapt to these new conditions in order to achieve management goals, maintain desired forest ecosystem services and reduce the risks of forest degradation. With a focus on central Europe, this paper presents the following management strategies: (1) conservation of forest structures, (2) active adaptation, and (3) passive adaptation. The feasibility and criteria for application of the different strategies are discussed. Forest adaptation may entail the establishment of ""neonative"" forests, including the use and intermixing of native and non-native tree species as well as non-local tree provenances that may adapt better to future climate conditions. An integrative adaptive management concept is proposed that combines (1) species suitability tests and modelling activities at the international scale, (2) priority mapping of adaptation strategies at the national to regional scale, and (3) implementation at the local scale. To achieve this, an international experimental trial system is required to test suitable adaptive measures throughout Europe and worldwide."
Biotic agent; Drought; Management strategy; Provenance; Restoration; Storm; Trial system \n