Bioenergy overview for Portugal
Autor(es)"Ferreira, Sérgio Moreira, Nuno Afonso Monteiro, Eliseu"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteCITAB, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
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Revista e nºBiomass and Bioenergy 33: 1567-1576
NITEC 071/13/05 (71/00057)
Bioenergy is seen as one of the key options to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and substitute fossil fuels. Bioenergy is also an atypical energy source due to its diversity and inter-linkages with many other technological and policy areas. The goal of this paper is to analyze the Portuguese possibilities for bioenergy provision from biomass. The potentials of biomass, conversion technologies and legal framework are analysed and discussed. The result of this analysis shows that there are still unused potentials especially from forestry, which can contribute significantly to cover the bioenergy targets. However, the Portuguese experience with conversion technologies is limited to combustion, which is a drawback that must be solved so as to the bioenergy potential can be used. Research and Development projects, as well as demonstration projects are needed in order to improve the efficiency of the technological processes. At political level, Portuguese governments have been following the policies and strategies of the European Commission in the energy sector. However, energy crops market, due to the inter-linkage with agricultural policy, seems to need some additional political push.
Bioenergy; Biofuels; Biomass; Portuguese energy policy \n