First signs of carbon sink saturation in European forest biomass
Autor(es)"Nabuurs, Gert Jan Lindner, Marcus Verkerk, Pieter J. Gunia, Katja Deda, Paola Michalak, Roman Grassi, Giacomo"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteAlterra, Wageningen University and Research
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Revista e nºNature Climate Change 3: 792-796
COST Action Echoes (FP0703) and the EU funded projects Motive, Trees4Future, Volante, and GHG-Europe (Project Numbers 226544, 284181, 265104 and 244122)
European forests are seen as a clear example of vegetation rebound in the Northern Hemisphere; recovering in area and growing stock since the 1950s, after centuries of stock decline and deforestation. These regrowing forests have shown to be a persistent carbon sink, projected to continue for decades, however, there are early signs of saturation. Forest policies and management strategies need revision if we want to sustain the sink.
Climate; Policy; change mitigation \n