Impact of Climate Change on the Phenology of Typical Mediterranean Crops L'Impatto Del Cambiamento Climatico Sulla Fenologia Di Colture Mediterranee
Autor(es)"Moriondo, Marco Bindi, Marco"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteDepartment of Agronomy and Land Management, University of Florence
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Revista e nºScientific Section Moriondo M. and Bindi M. Italian Journal of Agrometeorology 3: 5-12
Increases in temperature, as already observed and simulated by General and Regional Circulation Model (RCMs and GCMs) in the Mediterranean basin, are expected to have a great impact on agriculture. Since crop phenology is one of the most important plant process in determining final yield and allowing adaptation of crops to climate change, the effect of warming climate on crop phenology, has been indicated as a key-point for assessing the impact of climate change on agricultural crops. Accondingly, in this work we reviewed the effect of increasing temperature, as simulated by RCMs and GCMs in the Mediterranean basin, on the phenology of typical Mediterranean crops (e.g. durum wheat, sunflower, grapevine, olive tree). The results indicated an earlier development of crops and a reduction of the length of growing season. These responses may allow some crops to escape summer drought stress (e.g. winter crops), but at the same time they may determine an increase in the frequency of extreme climate events (e.g. frost and heat waves) at sensitive pehnological stages (e.g. budbreak and anthesis) that will affect final yield quantity and quality. Moreover, changes in crop phenology and its interaction with the changing environments was highlighted as a basis for formulating reliable adaptation policies.
events; anthesis; global warming; agriculture; adaptation \n