Integrated effects of air pollution and climate change on forests: A northern hemisphere perspective
Autor(es)"Bytnerowicz, Andrzej Omasa, Kenji Paoletti, Elena"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteIPP-CNR
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Revista e nºEnvironmental Pollution 147: 438-445
Many air pollutants and greenhouse gases have common sources, contribute to radiative balance, interact in the atmosphere, and affect ecosystems. The impacts on forest ecosystems have been traditionally treated separately for air pollution and climate change. However, the combined effects may significantly differ from a sum of separate effects. We review the links between air pollution and climate change and their interactive effects on northern hemisphere forests. A simultaneous addressing of the air pollution and climate change effects on forests may result in more effective research, management and monitoring as well as better integration of local, national and global environmental policies.
Acidification; Climate change; Eutrophication; Forest monitoring; Tropospheric ozone \n