Sustaining Mediterranean irrigated agriculture under a changing climate
Autor(es)"Rodríguez-Díaz, Juan Antonio Topcu, Sevilay"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteDepartment of Agronomy, University of Córdoba, Campus de Rabanales
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Revista e nºOutlook on Agriculture 39: 296-275
Irrigated agriculture is crucial for food security and rural development in the Mediterranean region, but it will be significantly affected by climate change. Evaluating the present and future agroclimatic conditions and predicting the impacts on irrigation requirements for the dominant crops in the region may help to develop more appropriate adaptation strategies. This paper describes the expected changes in climate and assesses the irrigation requirement for key crops grown across the region, using a case study in a typical river basin in Spain. Milder but wetter winters and more extreme hot, dry summers are anticipated. Evapotranspiration, crop water requirements and irrigation needs for major crops are expected to increase by as much as 30% by the 2080s.
CROPWAT; Crop water requirements; GCM; Impact; Spain; Water \n