Towards an inter-disciplinary research agenda on climate change, water and security in Southern Europe and neighboring countries
Autor(es)"Ludwig, Ralf Roson, Roberto Zografos, Christos Kallis, Giorgios"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteLudwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Department of Geography (LMU)
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Revista e nºEnvironmental Science and Policy 14: 794-803
European Commission for funding WASSERMed (GA: 244255), CLICO (GA: 244443) and CLIMB (GA: 244151) projects in the 7th Research Framework Program
The Mediterranean and neighboring countries are already experiencing a broad range of natural and man-made threats to water security. According to climate projections, the region is at risk due to its pronounced susceptibility to changes in the hydrological budget and extremes. Such changes are expected to have strong impacts on the management of water resources and on key strategic sectors of regional economies. Related developments have an increased capacity to exacerbate tensions, and even intra- and inter-state conflict among social, political, ecological and economic actors. Thus, effective adaptation and prevention policy measures call for multi-disciplinary analysis and action.This review paper presents the current state-of-the-art on research related to climate change impacts upon water resources and security from an ecological, economic and social angle. It provides perspectives for current and upcoming research needs and describes the challenges and potential of integrating and clustering multi-disciplinary research interests in complex and interwoven human-environment systems and its contribution to the upcoming 5th assessment report of the IPCC.
CLIWASEC; Climate change; Conflict; Human security; Mediterranean; Water \n