Towards probabilistic projections of climate change impacts on global crop yields
Autor(es)"Tebaldi, C Lobell, D B"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteClimate Central, Princeton
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Revista e nºGeophysical Research Letters 25: L08705
" There is a widely recognized need in the scientific and policy communities for probabilistic estimates of climate
change impacts, beyond simple scenario analysis. Here we propose a methodology to evaluate one major climate
change impact - changes in global average yields of wheat, maize, and barley by 2030 - by a probabilistic approach
that integrates uncertainties in climate change and crop yield responses to temperature, precipitation, and carbon
dioxide. The resulting probability distributions, which are conditional on assuming the SRES A1B emission scenario
and no agricultural adaptation, indicate expected changes of +1.6%, 14.1%, 1.8% for wheat, maize, and barley, with 95% probability intervals of ( 4.1, +6.7), ( 28.0, 4.3), ( 11.0, 6.2) in percent of current yields, respectively. This fully probabilistic analysis aims at uantifying the range of plausible outcomes and allows us to gauge the relative importance of different sources of uncertainty."
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