Towards sustainable irrigated Mediterranean agriculture: implications for water conservation in semi-arid environments
Autor(es)"García-Tejero, Iván Francisco Durán-Zuazo, Víctor Hugo Muriel-Fernández, José Luis"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteInstituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA)
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Revista e nºWater International 39: 635-648
European project Campus EAgUa (POCTEFEX 0072_CAMPUSEAGUA_2_E)
Water scarcity is a threat to food production systems, with appropriate water management being a major part of the solution. From the adoption of the European Water Framework Directive to the latest proposals for the Common Agricultural Policy Horizon 2020, the strategic lines for establishing a balance between agriculture and water resources in the European Union have been defined, including an emphasis on water pricing. This paper discusses the situation of irrigated agriculture in semi-arid areas such as southern Spain in terms of water scarcity, highlighting the main advantages and disadvantages of water-pricing policies as a solution to more sustainable irrigation management.
Spain; food security; water policy; water prices; water-use efficiency \n