Turning climate change information into economic and health impacts
Autor(es)K. Halsnæs; J. Kühl; J. E. Olesen
Instituição do Autor correspondenteUNEP Risø Centre, Risø National Laboratory, Riskolde
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Revista e nºClimatic Change 81: 145–162
The PRUDENCE project has generated a set of spatially and temporally high- resolution climate data, which provides new opportunities for assessing the impacts ofclimate variability and change on economic and human systems in Europe. In this context, we initiated the development of new approaches for linking climate change information and economic studies. We have considered a number of case studies that illustrate how linkages can be established between geographically detailed climate data and economic information. The case studies included wheat production in agriculture, where regional climate data has been linked to farm enterprise data in an integrated model of physical conditions, production inputs and outputs, and farm management practices. Similarly, temperature data were used to assess consequences ofextreme heat and excess mortality in urban areas. We give an introduction of an analytical approach for assessing economic impacts of climate change and discuss how economic concepts and valuation paradigms can be applied to climate change impact evaluation. A number ofmethodological difficulties encountered in economic assessments of climate change impacts are described and a number of issues related to social and private aspects of costs are highlighted. It is argued that, in particular, detailed climate information matters in relation to understanding how private agents react to observed climate data.
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