Water and energy footprint of irrigated agriculture in the Mediterranean region
Autor(es)"Daccache, A Ciurana, J S Rodriguez Diaz, J A Knox, J W"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteDepartment of Environmental Science and Technology, Cranfield University
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Revista e nºEnvironmental Research Letters 9: 124014
This research was conducted as part of the FACCE Knowl- edge Hub: Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security (MACSUR). The authors acknowledge the funding support provided by the Bio- technology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (Grant BB/K010301/1)
Irrigated agriculture constitutes the largest consumer of freshwater in the Mediterranean region and provides a major source of income and employment for rural livelihoods. However, increasing droughts and water scarcity have highlighted concerns regarding the environmental sustainability of agriculture in the region. An integrated assessment combining a gridded water balance model with a geodatabase and GIS has been developed and used to assess the water demand and energy footprint of irrigated production in the region. Modelled outputs were linked with crop yield and water resources data to estimate water (m(3) kg(-1)) and energy (CO2 kg(-1)) productivity and identify vulnerable areas or 'hotspots'. For a selected key crops in the region, irrigation accounts for 61 km(3) yr(-1) of water abstraction and 1.78 Gt CO2 emissions yr-1, with most emissions from sunflower (73 kg CO2/t) and cotton (60 kg CO2/t) production. Wheat is a major strategic crop in the region and was estimated to have a water productivity of 1000 tMm(-3) and emissions of 31 kg CO2/t. Irrigation modernization would save around 8 km(3) of water but would correspondingly increase CO2 emissions by around +135%. Shifting from rain-fed to irrigated production would increase irrigation demand to 166 km(3) yr(-1) (+137%) whilst CO2 emissions would rise by +270%. The study has major policy implications for understanding the water-energy-food nexus in the region and the trade-offs between strategies to save water, reduce CO2 emissions and/or intensify food production.
Co2emissions; Food security; Nexus; Water productivity; Water resources \n