Climate Change and Evolutionary Adaptations at Species' Range Margins
Autor(es)"Hill, Jane K. Griffiths, Hannah M. Thomas, Chris D."
Instituição do Autor correspondenteDepartment of Biology, University of York
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Revista e nºAnnual Review of Entomology 56: 143-159
During recent climate warming, many insect species have shifted their ranges to higher latitudes and altitudes. These expansions mirror those that occurred after the Last Glacial Maximum when species expanded from their ice age refugia. Postglacial range expansions have resulted in clines in genetic diversity across present-day distributions, with a reduction in genetic diversity observed in a wide range of insect taxa as one moves from the historical distribution core to the current range margin. Evolutionary increases in dispersal at expanding range boundaries are commonly observed in virtually all insects that have been studied, suggesting a positive feedback between range expansion and the evolution of traits that accelerate range expansion. The ubiquity of this phenomenon suggests that it is likely to be an important determinant of range changes. A better understanding of the extent and speed of adaptation will be crucial to the responses of biodiversity and ecosystems to climate change.
dispersal; flight morphology; geographic distribution; habitat selection; invasions; postglacial expansion \n