Climate change in Europe and effects on thermal resources for crops
Autor(es)"Mariani, L Parisi, SG Cola, G Failla, O"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteUniversità degli Studi di Milano, Milano
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Revista e nºInternational Journal of Biometeorology 56: 1123-1134
"Atmospheric variables play a fundamental role in driving man-managed ecosystems and more specifically in agro-ecosystems, determining the quantity and quality of crop production. On the other hand, climate variability can be seen as the superimposition of gradual and abrupt changes. This paper is focused on European surface air temperature in the period 1951-2010 Analysis of this dataset identified breakpoints that define two homogeneous sub-periods: 1951-1987 and 1988-2010. Thermal resources for crops were analyzed adopting a ""normal heat hours"" approach. Computation highlighted a general increase in thermal resources in the European continent for crop groups II and III (C3 and C4 plants adapted to high or moderate temperatures), while a decline of thermal resources for crop group I (cold adapted C3) was highlighted in the Mediterranean area. The climate variability justifies a change in the potential latitudinal limits of different groups of crops, representing a fundamental step for crop adaptation to climate change."
Breakpoint; Circulation index; Climatic change; Crops; Europe; Normal heat hours; Temperature \n