The Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in 10 OECD Countries: Challenges and Approaches
Autor(es)"Bauer, Anja Feichtinger, Judith Steurer, Reinhard"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteInstitute of Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy (InFER), Department of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
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Revista e nºJournal of Environmental Policy & Planning 14: 279-304
Go-Adapt project (Project No. K09AC0K00032)
Although the public governance of climate change adaptation gained increasing attention among both policy-makers and researchers in recent years, it is still largely unclear how governments aim to develop and implement adaptation policies. This paper takes stock of respective institutional innovations at the national level in 10 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries. It first introduces four challenges that are key in the context of climate adaptation policy-making, that is, (i) how to better integrate adaptation policies horizontally across policy sectors and (ii) vertically across jurisdictional levels, (iii) how to integrate knowledge, and (iv) how to involve non-state stakeholders in adaptation policy-making. Based on a desk research and semi-structured interviews, this paper then highlights a variety of institutional innovations (here referred to as governance approaches) that the selected governments employ to address these four challenges. Overall, it is shown that most of these approaches are restricted to soft, voluntary ways of coordination and steering that often address more than one of the four challenges at a time and that national adaptation strategies usually mark the centrepiece of adaptation governance around which other governance approaches emerge.
adaptation governance; adaptation mainstreaming; adaptation policies; adaptation to climate change; horizontal integration; knowledge integration; participation; vertical integration \n