Translocation of species, climate change, and the end of trying to recreate past ecological communities
Autor(es)Thomas, Chris D
Instituição do Autor correspondenteDepartment of Biology, University of York
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Revista e nºTrends in Ecology and Evolution 26:216-221
Many of the species at greatest risk of extinction from anthropogenic climate change are narrow endemics that face insurmountable dispersal barriers. In this review, I argue that the only viable option to maintain populations of these species in the wild is to translocate them to other locations where the climate is suitable. Risks of extinction to native species in destination areas are small, provided that translocations take place within the same broad geographic region and that the destinations lack local endemics. Biological communities in these areas are in the process of receiving many hundreds of other immigrant species as a result of climate change; ensuring that some of the 'new' inhabitants are climate-endangered species could reduce the net rate of extinction.
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