Vulnerability and adaptation of European farmers: a multi-level analysis of yield and income responses to climate variability
Autor(es)"Reidsma, Pytrik Ewert, Frank Oude Lansink, Alfons Leemans, Rik"
Instituição do Autor correspondenteDepartment of Plant Sciences, Plant Production Systems Group, Wageningen University
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Revista e nºRegional Environmental Change 9: 25-40
EU-funded SEAMLESS project (System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling; Linking European Science and Society, contract no. 010036)
Climate change will affect crop yields and consequently farmers’ income. The underlying relationships are not well understood, particularly the importance of crop management and related factors at the farm and regional level. We analyze the impacts of trends and variability in climatic conditions from 1990 to 2003 on trends and variability in yields offive crops and farmers’ income at farmtype and regional level in Europe considering farm characteristics and other factors. While Mediterranean regions are often characterized as most vulnerable to climate change, our data suggest effective adaptation to variable and changing conditions in these regions largely attributable to the characteristic farm types in these regions. We conclude that for projections ofclimate change impacts on agriculture, farm characteristics influencing management and adaptation should be considered, as they largely influence the potential impacts.
"Climate change; Climate variability; Adaptive capacity; Farm management; Agricultural vulnerability
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